#LTHEchat is another ongoing twitter chat that takes place one hour every week during University term time (on Wednesdays at 8:00 UK time). The purpose is to discuss various issues around Higher Education. The event was launched by Sue Beckingham (@suebecks) of Sheffield Hallam University and Chrissi Nerantzi (@chrissinerantzi) of Manchester Metropolitan University in October 2014. Since 2015/2016 the event has been organised by a rotating team of volunteers who run it for a semester.
My first time attending #LTHEChat was November 5th, 2014. In 2016 I attended twenty times as is evidenced by my tweets from my timeline (search #LTHEChat). When I cannot attend, I typically read the story which is published shortly after the chat. In 2016, I read 6 of the curated stories.
In 2016, I was invited to join the organising team during the January-March semester and I led the organising team in April-June. Organisation #LTHEChat means contacting the host, setting up the blog post, programming the automated tweets for account @LTHEchat, attending the chat and encouraging the community, curating the story and, in my case, creating a network map using TAGSexplorer. I was involved in the organisation of ten of the 2016 chats.
I was also awarded the Golden Tweeter award in July 2016.
Here is a summary of mt LTHEChat activities that counted towards my CPD in 2016. In the titles (A) means “attended” [1 hour CPD], (O) means “organised” [3 hours CPD], (S) means “read the story” [30 minutes CPD].
- 13th January 2016, We are back #LTHEchat No 42 with #BYOD4Lchat (A). Story: #BYOD4Lchat #LTHEchat Day 3, January 2016: Curating.
- 20th January 2016, #LTHEchat No 43 with Prof. Norman Jackson (A). Story: #LTHEchat No 43 with Prof. Norman Jackson,
- 3rd February 2016, #LTHEchat No 44 with Chris Wiley @Chris_Wiley: Using music creatively to enhance non-music teaching (S). Story: #LTHEchat No 44 with @chris_wiley Using Music creatively to enhance non-music teaching.
- 8th February, I join the team. See I’ve been invited to join the LTHEchat team.
- 10th February 2016, First bilingual #LTHEchat with Julie Tardy @jtardy81: Integrating complexity in curriculum designs. (OA). Story: https://storify.com/LTHEchat/lthechat-45-with-julie-tardy-julie-tardy-integrati
- 17th February 2016, #LTHEchat No 46 Sue Watling (@suewatling): Digital inclusion and accessibility (OA). Story: https://storify.com/LTHEchat/lthechat-45-with.
- 2nd March 2016, #LTHEchat No 47 02 March Dr. Sam Illingworth (@samillingworth): Interdisciplinarity in HE learning and teaching (OS). Story: https://storify.com/LTHEchat/lthechat-47.
- 9th March 2016, #LTHEchat No. 48. 09 March. Open Education Week special with Leo Havemann @leohavemann and Javiera Atenas @jatenas (OA). Story: https://storify.com/LTHEchat/lthechat-48-with-leo.
- 16th March 2016, #LTHEchat 49. 16 March. ‘Students are asking questions’ with Haleh Moravej (@HalehMoravej) and students of MMU (OA). This was the first of the LTHEchats that specifically targeted students. Story: https://storify.com/LTHEchat/lthechat-49-students-are-asking-questions-with-hal.
- 6th April 2016 (OA), #LTHEchat 50 6 April – Students as Partners with Professor Julie Hall @julieh8 and students. Story: LTHEchat 50: Students as Partners with @julieh8 and students.
- 13th April 2016, #LTHEchat 51: Networks of distributed creativity with Laura Gogia, Frances Bell and Catherine Cronin (OA). The Storify is here: LTHEchat 51: Networks of Distributed Creativity. TAGS: http://hawksey.info/tagsexplorer/?key=1D_AwcE2CWpEbmZyx4zsuxZ5Nb3ZvzzZXZ0dS3bNhFh8&sheet=Archive.
- 20 April 2016, #LTHEchat 52: Managing negative use of social media and cyberbullying, Dr Bex Lewis (OA). The Storify is here: https://storify.com/LTHEchat/lthechat-52. The TAGSexplorer 6 visualisation is here: http://bit.ly/lthechat52.
- 4th May 2016, #LTHEchat No 53 with Dr Mark McGuire @mark_mcguire (OA). The Storify is #LTHEChat 53: Connecting Classes. The TAGSexplorer 6 visualisation is LTHEchat 53.
- 11th May 2016, #LTHEchat 54. 11 May. ‘Students are asking questions … about assessment and exams’ (A). The Storify can be found here : https://storify.com/LTHEchat/lthechat-54-student-questions. Network visualisation using Martin Hawksey’s (@mhawksey) TAGSexplorer: http://bit.ly/lthechat54.
- 18th May 2016, #LTHEChat 55 : Bilingual German/English May 18th – Opening-up HE for non-traditional students, Martina Emke (@martinaemke) (OA). The Storify can be found here http://sfy.co/d11VP. The TAGSexplorer 6 visualisation is LTHEchat 55.
- 25th May 2016, #LTHEChat 56: Innovative Pedagogy in Higher Education, with Prof. Ale Armellini (@alejandroa) (S). Storify: https://storify.com/LTHEchat/lthechat-56.
- June 8th 2016, #LTHEChat 57: Open CPD with Chris Rowell @chri5rowell (A). Storify for Open CPD: https://storify.com/LTHEchat/lthechat-57-open-cpd-with-chris-rowell.
- June 15th 2016, #LTHEChat 58: Distance Learning with Simon Horrocks (@horrocks_simon) (A). The Storify: https://storify.com/LTHEchat/lthechat-57629476cd8e8c523eda4a36.
- 1st July 2016, #LTHEChat 59: Essay mills and academic verification: The sky is falling. The sky is falling! With Dr. Mike Reddy, @doctormikereddy (A). Story: https://storify.com/LTHEchat/lthechat-59-essay-mills-and-academic-verification-.
- 13th July 2016, EXTRA #LTHEchat: What do we know about the experiences of online learners? with @helenbeetham and @loumcgill (S). The Storify is here: https://storify.com/LTHEchat/lthechat-60. A TAGSExplorer and searchable TAGS archive for the chat is also available.
- 14th September 2016, #LTHEChat 61: Part time learners. With Linda Robson @LindaOpen (A). The Storify is available here. As there were over 800 tweets this has been curated to make it more easily readable. The visualisation is available here with thanks to Chris Jobling @cpjobling.
- 21st September 2016, #LTHEChat 62: Assessment and student engagement. With Dawn Alderson @dawn_alderson and Robert Dragan @robert_dragan (A). Story: https://storify.com/LTHEchat/lthechat-62-assessment-and-student-engagement.
- 5th October 2017, #LTHEchat 63: The University Library in the 21st Century. With Isobel Gowers @Isobel_Gowers (S). Story: https://storify.com/LTHEchat/the-university-library-in-the-21st-century.
- 12th October 2017, #LTHEchat 64: Students are asking (more) questions.(A). The Storify is available here.
- 19th October 2017, #LTHEChat 65: Feedback and feed-forward: language and timing. With Phil Race @RacePhil (A). Story: The Storify is available here.
- 2nd November 2017, #LTHEchat 66: The porous university (S). Storify of the chat.
- 9th November 2016, #LTHEchat 67:Using data and artificial intelligence to improve learning and teaching. (A). You can view the Storify here.
- 16th November 2016, #LTHEchat 68:What motivates us to use digital tools for learning and teaching? (A). The storify is available here.
- 23rd November 2016, #LTHEChat 69: Student induction or information overload? With Clare Thomson @ClareThomsonQUB (S). The storify is available here.
- 7th December 2016, #LTHEchat 70: Linguistic diversity in the classroom and online. (A). The storify available here.
- 12th December 2016, #LTHEchat 71: Christmas special with Daniel Scott (A).
You’ll also find some of my reflections on individual chats by following the LTHEchat category in this blog.