We’ve moved (again)

This blog was self-hosted on digital ocean until today. 

Unfortunately, issues with the database was preventing the blog appearing for some of my readers and I don’t have time at the moment to be a Sysadmin and trace the fault. Rebooting the server when I notice it’s down is not a solution either. So, I’ve forked out the £30 a year to have a site with a custom domain hosted on WordPress.com. 
And here it is.

Excuse us while we move all our content and sharing options over.

Events Coming Up

There are some interesting events coming up over the next two months.

  • In Swansea, the library team will again be running 7 Days of Twitter #SU7DoT. This time over the period 2nd-12th December. See the announcement and sign up here!.
  • The team at Regent’s University London will again be running 12 Apps of Christmas (#12AoC) starting on 1st December on the Blackboard Open Learning Platform. They won’t be alone!
  • The Association for Learning Technology will be running the third ALT Winter Conference (#altc) online from 6-8 December. Registration is free here.
  • The five-day Bring Your Own Device for Learning (#BYOD4L) on-line course returns in January. There will be a preview at the ALT Winter Conference.

And of course there’s #LTHEChat every Wednesday between 8 and 9 PM UK Local Time which teams up with #HEAChat on the last Wednesday of each month.

#LTHEChat 68: What motivates us to use digital tools for learning and teaching? 

Another record breaking #LTHEChat was hosted on Wednesday 16th November by @digisim Simon Thomson. The Storify was curated by @ladyculottes Haley Atkinson who had to slim down the 1500 or so tweets, side conversations and spam posts to extract the essential essence.

View the story “#LTHEchat 68: What motivates us to use digital tools for learning and teaching?” on Storify

Once you’ve read the story, you may like to answer this question in the comments.


Story of an LTHEChat in Pictures


As part of our preparation for our presentation for Social Media in Higher Education in December (#SocMedHE16), the team is looking at various ways to assess the impact of the weekly #LTHEchat. As part of this, I agreed to attempt to record a flavour of the excitement of the event by capturing snapshots of the growth of the network over a twenty-four hour period using Martin Hawksey’s TAGSExplorer which generated this visualisation, and Jing.

I created a storify of the tweets and some of the reaction:

We should definitely reflect on Richard Treves’ comments that appear at the end of the story:

The Intelligent Campus

Today I had a short Twitter Conversation with James Clay which followed this tweet from JISC’s #codesign16 meeting:

I replied:




James has also blogged about this in I know Where You Are and is following up in this JISC blog post “What does the imminent arrival of the intelligent campus mean for you and your students.

What do you think?

James has published more of the discussion of the intelligent campus from #codesign16 in this storyfy.

