I Ping therefore I am

Just a quick post to tell you about a new (to me) social network notification service called ping.fm. Just by connecting to your favourite services you can update them all from a single web site. I’m using it in the HEFCW Peer Support project to post messages to Ning, Facebook and Twitter. Many other services are available including LinkedIn, Yammer, Flickr, Posterous, Blogger, Tumblr, FriendFeed, Delicious, etc. Other features:

– You can also distinguish between micro-blogging, status updates and blogging,
– ping.fm automatically shortens URLs, but at the moment it doesn’t seem to shorten tweets and link to the full text.
– You can post to all your social networks, select particular networks or create groups of networks that you want to update together.

There’s also a mobile version at [m.ping.fm](http://m.ping.fm) and an iPhone version at [i.ping.fm](http://i.ping.fm).

Finally, It’s interesting to note that ping.fm is a service brought to you from the people that brought you pbWiki.